Post28 March, 20141 min de lectura

Microsoft offers free full edition of Office for Ipad users of Office 365

Microsoft lanza Office para Ipad

If you are an iPad user who already has a subscription to Office 365 staff or your business, you’re in luck!

As you know, Microsoft introduced Office for iPad last Thursday and the products of the Microsoft Office Suite Word, Excel and Power Point, are now available in the Apple App Store.

Applications are free to users who just want to read documents and view presentations, but for users who need to create, edit, or perform more advanced functions, you need a subscription to Office 365 by type of user (home, student or business).

Microsoft lanza Office para Ipad

Microsoft also announced integration with Office for iPad OneDrive, allowing access files very easily and store the changes in the cloud to be accessible at any time from any computer.

So far, the office suite has been available with limited features for iOS (iPhone) and Android phones. Although currently there is nothing official, it is likely that the company is working on launching a version for Android tablets.

Want to know more about the business plans of Office 365 for iPad?

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